Post Office In Kigali

Just want to inform you that the post office in the centre (page 86 C5) doesn’t exist anymore. The building was demolished last year. So the post office near the Kigali Business Centre is the only one now in Kigali. Johann Quindeau

Improved & cheaper internet access

One thing that is changing rapidly in Rwanda is internet access. Tigo have now launched on the Rwandan market and MTN prices are dropping like a stone to compete.  A plug-and-play modem now costs RWF25,000 from Tigo and RWF35,000 from MTN. MTN's coverage is better as Tigo is still expanding and speeds are really low … Continue reading Improved & cheaper internet access

Wireless (WiFi) in Kigali

Good places for free wireless access in Kigali are Shokola Restaurant (opposite the entrance to Chez Robert near the Milles Collines) and Blues Cafe next door to the UTC Centre. The new Bourbon Cafe in the airport is also a favourite for many, including Rwandan students. Ruairí Ó hEithir